$75.00 USD

Every month

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

You may cancel your membership at any time. No refunds will be distributed for months that have already been paid.

Please read the following statements carefully: 

*By purchasing this program, I agree to the following statements: I acknowledge that I am aware of the scope and practice of yoga, and recognize that no representations have been made as to the efficacy of yoga in the prevention or cure of disease. My participation is voluntary. I recognize that the program may involve movement, breath work, and other activities which could result in injury, and understand that it is my responsibility to consult with a medical care provider should I have any concerns about my own personal safety with regards to this program. I agree to hold harmless Bernadette Soler, and her agent and assigns from any and all claims, suits, or other causes of action for losses, injury, or death resulting from or related to participation in the program.

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Monthly Membership for Yoga Practitioners

Give me all the Yoga!

This Membership Includes:

  • Unlimited Live Virtual Classes on Zoom (+ weekly recordings!)
  • Unlimited Access to On-Demand Classes
  • Discounts on Additional Workshops and Therapeutic Programs


*By purchasing this program, I acknowledge that I am aware of the scope and practice of yoga, and recognize that no representations have been made as to the efficacy of yoga in the prevention or cure of disease. My participation is voluntary. I recognize that the program may involve movement, breath work, and other activities which could result in injury, and understand that it is my responsibility to consult with a medical care provider should I have any concerns about my own personal safety with regards to this program. I agree to hold harmless Bernadette Soler, and her agent and assigns from any and all claims, suits, or other causes of action for losses, injury, or death resulting from or related to participation in the program.